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Aquarius Daily Horoscope

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- February 26th, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    Venus and Mars embrace: be daring in love today! A piece of advice? Express your feelings without restraint. Beware, however, of Jupiter in square, which could delay your ambitious projects. Therefore, patience.....

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    Face the fear that lurks in the shadow of your relationship. Today is the day to openly discuss it with your better half. You'll be surprised by the sweetness of relief, once the conversation begins. It's time to confront the elephant in the room.


    Don't let old ghosts disrupt your new encounters. Face the shadows of the past to better appreciate the present and anticipate your future sidesteps. In need of a challenge? Dare to seek out unexpected encounters, jolt yourself out of your comfort zone!

    Love advice

    Embrace your flaws, they contribute to your charm! Don't let minor lapses tarnish the love you share. Are you single? Don't hesitate to seek advice from friends to better navigate your relationships. Remember, under the influence of Mars and Venus, audacity pays off!



    Facing a stack of work may seem overwhelming, but don't let yourself be drowned. With Mercury and Saturn operating in conjunction, the time has come to prioritize your tasks. Knowing how to say no to some unnecessary requests is also an effective way to manage your time.

    Your finances

    Embark on the universe of cashback for your outings. Experiment with applications that reimburse a portion of your expenditures. A dining date? A movie ticket? Mitigate the costs by utilizing these tools. Don't overlook these savings, they can accumulate, embodying a substantial budget by the month's end.


    Health & wellbeing

    Discover the impact of your past traumas on your inner balance. Reevaluate these painful memories, to better understand your current state of mind. The more you advance in this introspection, the more you will gain in serenity. Transform these past pains into strength for today and tomorrow.


    Friends & family

    Share a fresh passion with your friends. Be it hiking, cinema, or cooking, shared activities fortify bonds. It's the perfect time to explore and flourish together.

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