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Aquarius Daily Horoscope

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- February 20th, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    The Venus-Mars conjunction bestows a potent energy upon your emotions. How about stepping outside your comfort zone? Beware Jupiter in square, which may incite excess. Take care to maintain your balance.

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    Shift the energy of your relationships by involving family and friends. Weave a thread of love, orchestrate a surprise visit to your loved ones, it might dispel some tensions. Laughter is the best therapy!


    Solo, today, you are amenable to pondering one of your past experiences. You choose to acquiesce, as it is also a means for you to nurture yourself and to bolster your potential to embrace camaraderie in its most genuine form, with confidence.

    Love advice

    In a relationship, delve into fresh interests. Allow yourselves time for volunteer work, it will solidify your bond. If single, consider dedicating yourself to community service. The planets hint that it's the perfect time to give and receive love in an unconventional way.



    A creative spark has ignited, it's time to let it shine, but tread carefully. Ensure the expectations of your colleagues are crystal clear, as interpretations can differ from one to the next. The Sun-Mercury aspect bolsters communication - a sprinkle more clarity will keep misunderstandings at bay. Wise, wouldn't you say?

    Your finances

    Reassess your phone bills, take stock of your plans. By comparing offers, you could save more than you think. So, ready to instill some order in your finances?


    Health & wellbeing

    It's time to dare to say no! A disagreement could enable you to surpass yourself personally. It will assist in fortifying your ability to manage stress. Ready to rise to the challenge?


    Friends & family

    Within the family, endeavor to rediscover the art of listening. This stance could spark deeper conversations and breathe new life into your relationships. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

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