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What is a Solar Eclipse Spiritual Meaning?

June 11, 2018

What happens during a Solar Eclipse? A Solar Eclipse always occurs at the same time as a New Moon. The effects of a Solar Eclipse can be felt weeks before it happens and months after. During a Solar Eclipse, there

Why do we have nightmares? How can we cope with them?

June 11, 2018

Modern point of view: Psychologists usually define a nightmare as a terrifying dream. Nightmares are a natural part of sleep, they usually happen in the early morning hours. They tend to occur during Rapid Eye Movement sleep. Dreams are a

How to use the different phases of the Moon for Love?

June 11, 2018

A few insights about the Moon phases: The emotions are ruled by the Moon, so it makes sense to plan depending on the Phases of the Moon. New Moon (Beginning) This is a great time to plant the seeds of

Is Mercury involved in Love stories?

June 5, 2018

Mercury is about how we express our feelings, our needs, our fantasies and our desires.  Heart isn’t enough when it comes to love, head plays an important part, as well. The Sign Mercury occupies in the birth chart, tells what

Australian Dream time Astrology

May 22, 2018

Going back in time… Unlike western Astrology, the Australian Astrology is associated to the elements such as Fire for deserts, Air for mountains, Earth for rain-forests and Water for the ocean. The 12 Zodiacal signs consist in Aboriginal Dream time

Egyptian Astrology

May 22, 2018

A bit of History Astrology has been influenced by the Greeks and the Egyptians but previously, the Babylonians were supposed to be the creators of it. Egyptian Astrology is associated with the Egyptian gods and goddesses. Let’s find your god/goddess

Native American Astrology

May 22, 2018

How does it defer from our Western Astrology? Native American Astrology is linked to the seasons and the 12 Totem animals which are associated to the 12 Moons of the year. Find your Totem Animal and its meaning The Hawk

Saturn in Capricorn, does it help?

May 11, 2018

What can we expect ? Saturn in Sagittarius brought optimism and expansion while Saturn in Capricorn is all about restriction and hard reality checks. With Saturn in Capricorn, we have the archetype of the Elder as Saturn rules maturation and

Uranus is changing sign, a big move!

May 11, 2018

What does it mean? Uranus leaves the sign of Aries where it has stayed put for the past 8 years and it will enter the sign of Taurus on May 15. It is a time of excitement and of unpredictability

Medical Astrology

May 11, 2018

A bit of History Medical astrology has been used for centuries in India, China. It was present in Arabic countries as well and gained importance in Europe from the Medieval period. Astrologers assigned Zodiacal Signs to rule the parts of

Solar Return or Solar Revolution

May 11, 2018

A Solar Return or SR chart is calculated for the precise time when the Sun returns to its Natal position. The Solar Return chart has to be looked at in connection to the Natal chart. Depending on where you spend

July 10: Jupiter in Scorpio

April 9, 2018

Jupiter, is the planet that governs growth, abundance, good fortune but also excesses and overindulgence. It can also blow everything out of proportion. Jupiter is seen as the great benefactor, as the most benevolent planet. It changes sign once every


April 9, 2018

Numerology is the study of the numerical value of the letters. It is the easiest of the occult arts to use as you only need the birth date and the name of an individual to unlock the secrets of the

Horary Astrology

April 9, 2018

A bit of history and practice William Lilly was an English astrologer who perfected the Horary art, set by the ancients. Horary astrology is perfect for timely information and precise answers. Horary Astrology answers to questions by using the time of

Relocation in Astrology

April 9, 2018

A bit of history After years of research, the astrologer Jim Lewis developed in 1970 what is actually called astrocartography. The lines drawn on the map show the places where planets conjunct the house cusps, enabling us to see where in

It’s time to rising a new challenge

March 27, 2018

It is time to slow down, to take time for ourselves before taking action on the outside world. While Mercury and Jupiter went Retrograde in March, Saturn and Pluto will follow and will go backwards from April, onwards. These are

March Blue Moon … make the most of it!

March 27, 2018

We often hear this expression without knowing what it is and where it comes from. Don’t expect the Moon to turn blue or you will be disappointed. The Full Moon on March 31, at 11o Libra, is called a Blue

What is the difference between Love and Passion?

March 27, 2018

What is Love? It is a state of living. It is more than romance and passion as there are shared values and principles involved such as respect, support and communication. Love requires a lot of understanding and compromises. Sharing goals

Is jealousy inherent to Love?

March 27, 2018

“I love you” is something used so much these days that it has lost its real meaning. It could have lost its healing powers as well as it has become banal, too easily and too often said. According to Antoine

How to tackle the problems we face?

March 27, 2018

How can we cope with obstacles? We all have regular challenges and obstacles to overcome along the path but there is no recipe to success. Everyone has his own way to deal with them unless someone prefers to hide from


March 19, 2018

Do you follow your intuition? Intuition exists in all of us, whether we acknowledge it or not. It is quick, instinctual and effortless. It happens offline, outside our conscious awareness. It is the way the subconscious mind communicates with the conscious mind.

Meditation and Mantras

March 19, 2018

Meditation takes a variety of forms: mantra meditation, relaxation meditation, mindfulness meditation, Transcendental Meditation, Zen meditation, Healing meditation and many more. Walking, gardening, listening to music can be considered as meditation time as well. Meditation practices are rooted in spiritual

Zen attitude

March 19, 2018

The translation of Zen is contemplation or even better, Enlightenment. Zen thinkers say that Zen was initiated once Buddha achieved Enlightenment. Zen is a way of being, a state of togetherness of the body and the mind. Zen involves impermanence, absence

Interpretation of dreams

March 19, 2018

Through our dreams, our subconscious mind is telling us that there is an issue, a fear, or some worry we need to take into consideration. There are a few other dream categories as Precognitive Dreams. These are psychic dreams that can foretell the future. We all dream but we don’t

Positive attitude

March 19, 2018

There is no user guide for positive thinking but there are good reasons for having a positive attitude in life. Even though it is difficult to eliminate pessimism and negative thoughts, it is worth giving it a shot. There are

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