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Gemini Horoscope for March 2019

February 28, 2019

Mercury Retrogrades in Pisces Mercury, your ruling planet is going Retrograde March 5, and it will last until the end of the month. This is a time for revisiting your career or work situation. Nothing is going to be easy,

Taurus Horoscope for March 2019

February 25, 2019

Uranus enters Taurus Uranus leaves Aries and enters your Sign March 6, you are going to be challenged, your stability and your placid pace and attitude might change tremendously. Uranus will stay in your sign until July 2025, take it

Full Moon in Virgo

February 21, 2019

What is the symbolism of a Full Moon? The Full Moon brings about a time of completion, of achievement. Emotions can be intense and overwhelming. This Virgo’s Full Moon complements the theme of the last New Moon. As it was

Horoscopes for March 2019

February 21, 2019

March 1: With Venus entering Aquarius, we are going to experience love that will focus on friendship and similarity of tastes and values. Venus in Aquarius is free of commitment, she wants the fun of a relationship without the weight

Aries Horoscope for March 2019

February 21, 2019

Uranus enters Taurus The big change for you Aries, in March, is Uranus leaving your sign on March 6 to enter Taurus. It seems that you are going to settle down or at least, pause, for a while. For many,


January 28, 2019

Mercury in Pisces isn’t the best position, as Mercury is logical and Pisces is intuitive, but nevertheless, this transit can be inspiring and relaxing. Mercury will stay in Pisces longer this year and will go Retrograde in March (5 to

Mars in Aries

January 15, 2019

On the very last day of 2018, Mars is back in its own sign, Aries, and with that move, we’re going to feel more decisive, active and determined. Mars, the God of war, in Aries, is action, courage, anger, competition,


January 15, 2019

Venus rules love, money, arts and good feelings. Venus in Capricorn is discreet, shy, not demonstrative, but down to Earth, its Element. Venus in Capricorn needs to be satisfied, cherished and touched. It needs tangible clues and proofs in private

Mercury in Aquarius

January 15, 2019

Mercury in Aquarius is wild, provocative and extreme. It won’t go unnoticed as Mercury rules communication and Aquarius rules big projects, friendships and humanitarian goals.  Mercury can’t stand boredom and stillness, it is the Messenger of the gods, it is

Venus in Sagittarius

January 15, 2019

After a long period in the secretive Scorpio, due to its retrograde period, Venus is entering the enthusiastic sign of Sagittarius on January 7. Hooray, it is a time of light and lightness, after some dark and complicated situations! It


January 10, 2019

Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Earth stands between the Moon and the Sun, cutting off the light of the Sun. A Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon that often brings culmination and endings. Eclipses often bring big life events that

Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, January 5, 2019

January 10, 2019

A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon stands between the Sun and the Earth, cutting off the light from the Sun. A Solar Eclipse is always a New Moon, which provides new beginnings. Eclipses come in pairs, as a New

What is the focus for Sagittarius in 2019?

January 10, 2019

You have a certain advantage on other signs this year, as Jupiter, the planet of exuberance, extension and excesses, the planet that rules your sign, is in Sagittarius all year. You will benefit from this position, personally, you will be

What is the focus for Scorpio in 2019?

January 10, 2019

2018 could have changed your environment and your habits in the process. You like to be in control, but it isn’t going to be that easy in 2019. You’re on a rocky road, in terms of partners and stability in

What is the focus for Pisces in 2019?

January 10, 2019

Uranus must have modified your financial situation in 2018, you had to adapt to an unexpected situation and face a major choice. Your intuition might have warned you before it happened, you could have foreseen the event and acted accordingly.

What is the focus for Capricorn in 2019?

January 10, 2019

2018 has changed your life and the way to look at it. Being a father or a grandfather could be one of the reasons. There have been big changes in your house and you surely had to adapt to a

What is the focus for Aquarius in 2019?

January 10, 2019

Uranus, your ruling planet might have tested your relations with siblings or neighbors in 2018, it is time to forgive and forget. Don’t be too judgmental. Uranus will be in Taurus March 6, you will have to adopt another rhythm.

What is the focus for Virgo in 2019?

December 28, 2018

2018 might have destabilized your routine and your attitude towards money and for some, sex. You might have made a big choice, but it wasn’t easy. You should be stable by the beginning of 2019, knowing what you want and

What is the focus for Leo in 2019?

December 28, 2018

2018 has been a big year, with good events that made you feel ready for 2019. You feel a need for change and promotion in your profession and with Uranus entering your career sector, be prepared for unexpected twists and

What is the focus for Cancer in 2019?

December 28, 2018

If you’re working conditions have been tested in 2018, you should know where you stand and what you can get from your actual position. The consequence of unexpected events might have modified the track you were on. 2019 is a

What is the focus for Gemini in 2019?

December 28, 2018

If you had a hectic 2018, the coming year seems easier and more peaceful. Don’t rely on your success but grab all the opportunities and realize your life purpose. Uranus is changing sign March 6, in Taurus, it will affect

What is the focus for Taurus in 2019?

December 28, 2018

2019 is going to bring you new opportunities in career matters, don’t be shy and move ahead. Uranus is known as the “stirrer”, it will occupy your sign from March 6 to April 2026, so put your seatbelt on, the

What is the focus for Aries in 2019?

December 28, 2018

After a year of struggling and making difficult choices, you Aries are headed towards freedom and fun throughout 2019. Your social life will flourish, as will your popularity. You should avoid over committing to activities if you want to be

What does 2019 have in store for us?

December 28, 2018

At the very start of 2019, Uranus is the only planet retrograding in the sky. Uranus is the planet of unexpected events, big changes and breakthroughs. This is a good start as we must take initiative and make the most

Lilith, the maiden and symbol of female emancipation

December 4, 2018

Lilith was the first woman who refused man’s submission. According to the Jewish Kabbalah, Lilith is Adam’s first wife, before Eve. Lilith refused to submit to Adam, claiming that she had been created equal to him. She chose exile and loneliness and was

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