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Your month of October

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The astral and spiritual energies of this month of October will be favorable to the setting in motion of new professional and personal projects, especially between the 7th and the 9th, thanks to the trine of Mercury to Pluto and the Full Moon in Aries. In the same way, it will be easier to settle family, friendship and sentimental disputes, thanks to the transit of Mercury in Libra and the trine of the Sun and Venus to Saturn on the 12th and 14th. October 22 will be favorable for love thanks to the Sun-Venus conjunction. To move forward more quickly, take advantage of the New Moon in Scorpio on October 25 to symbolically get rid of what’s bothering you and thus move forward better. Similarly, during the Halloween/Samhain night on October 31, it will be ideal if you need to reconcile with your past, especially those who have passed on to the other side of the veil.

Week of October 1 to 9, 2022

On October 1, Venus in Libra opposes Jupiter in Aries, making it difficult to temper our ardors and impulses. Wearing Saturnian black or onyx will help you keep a cool head. On the 2nd, Mercury will become direct again and will allow us to see more clearly in our life, to sort out our ideas. On the 7th, Mercury will form a trine to Pluto in Capricorn. Your capacity for concentration and intellectual penetration will be at its best. Take advantage of this opportunity to undertake projects that require calculations or precise organization, or simply to reflect on the meaning you want to give to your life. Moreover, on the 8th, Pluto will become direct again and can be a powerful help to bring about a professional change in your life, provided you are willing to give up what is now obsolete. On the 9th, take advantage of the Full Moon in Aries to embark on new experiences and projects. The lunar energies will help you do so.

Week of October 10 to 16, 2022

On October 10, Mercury will enter Libra and stay there until the 29th, promoting communication, dialogue, and harmony in our human relationships. You can reinforce its power by favoring green and orange tones in your clothing. October 12 will be a very important day, as Mars will be in square to Neptune at the same time that Mercury will oppose Jupiter. This will make us more likely to give in to temptation, to trust too quickly. Fortunately, you will be able to count on the help of the Sun trine to Saturn in Aquarius. Here again, onyx or contact with lead will help us to show the right kind of detachment. On the 14th, it will be Venus’ turn to enter in trine to Saturn. This will be the time to consolidate certain friendships or to clarify the real nature of certain romantic relationships.

Week of October 17 to 23, 2022 

On October 19, Venus will be in trine to Mars. This is a good day for any important discussion that seeks consensus, as these planetary influences will help to maintain courtesy and harmony even in the most heated exchanges. Take advantage of this day to discuss delicate subjects with people you know to be rather sensitive. Beware, however, of the Sun square to Pluto and the Venus square on the 20th which could give you a hard time with your superiors. Wearing apple green as well as copper will allow you to mobilize the Venusian energies conducive to peace and concord. On October 22, the Sun-Venus conjunction in Libra will be favorable to love, especially for Librans, Leos, and Taurus. Write the name of your loved one next to yours on a piece of paper and draw the Sun symbol underneath, intertwined with the Venus symbol, then burn it before you go to talk to the person your heart desires. This simple spell can do miracles. On the 23rd, Saturn goes direct again while receiving a trine from Mercury. It will be easier for you to get new ideas across.

Week of October 24 to 31, 2022

On October 25, the New Moon in Scorpio will influence the whole lunation. Look for what is bothering you in your life, what is preventing you from moving forward, write it down on a piece of paper and burn it with a red candle, asking the Moon to get rid of it. On the 28th, Jupiter returns to Pisces until December 20th. This period will be favorable for deep and sincere spiritual quests, existential answers can be given to you through your dreams or through significant encounters. This same day will begin the Celtic month of the Reed whose Ngétal ogham will help you find balance and serenity if you are currently experiencing a troubled, anxious period. To do so, engrave its symbol on a reed stem that you will carry with you. On October 31st, it will of course be Halloween, but also the night of Samhain, the night of the veil where the world of the dead is very close to the world of the living. Go to a secluded spot, light a small red candle around which you will have arranged the photos of the deceased. Speak to them from your heart and wait for any messages they may give you.

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