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Scorpio Weekly Horoscope


- Week 20, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    On Monday, the harmony between the Sun and the Moon promotes communication. On Tuesday, take initiatives, Mars is on your side. On Wednesday, be careful with your words: Mercury clashes with Pluto. Thursday and Friday are ideal for relationships: Venus smiles upon you. Stay balanced on Saturday under the influence of the Moon in Libra.

  • Your love life

    For couples, conflict management takes center stage. Remember: a disagreement does not mean love has left. Seek understanding rather than being right. Singles, the challenge is real, but don't forget the advantages of your independence! Venus in Taurus promises sweet moments, take this opportunity to pamper yourself.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    A Taurus might understand you this week. Their calm and determined temperament resonates with your intense and passionate nature.

    You avoid

    Avoid Aries, their impulsiveness might clash with your reflective and strategic side, causing unnecessary tensions.

  • Your weekend

    The Sun in conjunction with Jupiter makes your weekend bright. Protect your family bonds, steer clear of tense conversations. To recharge, there's nothing quite like a few laps in the pool!

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